domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

How did it go? you is my answer.

It has taken me this long to process at least part of THE experience at General Conference in Fort Worth.
I certainly do not know where to start and as a writer that is a scary feeling. Yet I feel the push from the Holy Spirit to share with you a very brief, almost concentrated summary of what happened there, what it means to my spiritual life, my ministry and the challenge the Lord has posed before us.

First of all, both my pastor and I have been sincerely "questioning" God for a year, why would he allow me to serve at General Conference this early in my Christian journey. Some of you already now I had no plan to run as a delegate. Yet my love for the One who loves me unconditionally, enables me to always say Yes to Him, without conditions.

Months prior to GC I had reservations, I was anxious and nervous, not knowing what to expect. This is the only church I know, this is the church I love and I hold high expectations for it as the church holds high expectations of me. My pastor advised me wisely, he said to me that not all are as spiritual in the church as we would expect. He said the church is made of different people at a different point in the process of sanctification and renewal. He advises me to keep my eyes and my ears open, to expect positively the best and not to let the negative discourage me in my journey. Ha! May I just say...

Upon my arrival back to Orlando, many have asked me, "Well so how was it?” I stumble to answer, because my mouth wants to say all the positive things I saw and heard and I struggle to withhold, not the negative, but what it is truly wrong with the UMC in the USA. I owe it to them to know the truth, I owe it to my sisters and brothers to know that there is long way to go, that there is a lot of work to do, that we cannot afford to sit and meditate on the glories of the past. That, Yes! It's true! The UMC is a sleeping giant that is in perennial hibernation. Our experiences in the local church do not represent the global view of our denomination.

Sidenote: Something wonderful is brewing in the grassroots of our church and it is that the Holy Spirit is opening a vain where ever He is allowed.

The first week at GC I was entranced. I could not believe the wealth of resources, the wonderful people, the great sermons by the bishops, the miraculous ministries taking place all over the globe. I fell in love with the language of Holy Conferencing, Racial & Ethnic Inclusiveness and Global Church. My positively pink glasses colored the panorama for me, with twinkling stars added!

The second week I started to have conversations with Him, serious ones. As I learned that the language I fell in love with was just that, romantic language. I would believe that it is a requirement to allow the Holy Spirit in, in order to have Holy conferencing. Thank God, he purposefully did, through the Uganda Children’s’ Choir and the Nothing but nets campaign. That is what God cares for and wants us to care for. Everything else seems vain.
Racial and Ethnic Inclusiveness, seemed open doors for Hispanics but it seemed that the open doors to other groups will depend upon the results of four year studies and the Global Church will not be possible until we are willing to let go of old structures, control and the boldness to overcome the status quo.

The pink glasses where gone and I was confronted to see all as it was. “This is my church.” He whispered.

“Huh?!” I answered. I’m always bewildered by His love, it is truly unconditional and that honestly bothers me sometimes. “ But … but…” I insisted in angry tears, “but this is what we do with your church and you allow it?” He simply responded, “Tere, you all do this to Me everyday.”

In the next seconds my mind rushed and a pain struck me from within…

Warning: Those who know me know that I am a very, very honest and painfully frank writer. So what I’m going to share next might be a little too much for some, but I recommend you read ‘til the end. I believe it to be a happy ending.

I could not bear to serve in a church that seemed flaky, wishy-washy. I struggled to understand why God would call me to become an Ordained Elder in a church of bureaucratic human-worldly processes. I saw myself stuck trying to please God against all odds. We do this to You everyday? Then I started to bargain…

“Lord, tell me why you brought me here? What do you want me to do? If you tell me to do so… I stop everything right here, you want a church that loves you above all things, I’ll go wherever you send me and open a non-denominational church. We can start all over!” I think he must have chuckled, ‘cuz the conversation ended there. I sulked desperately. I made the call my pastor was waiting for. Trial of Faith was his diagnosis. Yes, doubts about our church, was my reply. He prayed for me and we talked. He helped me digest it all.

This is where I was called. This is where my Lord wants me. This is where He wants us giving the good fight! The fight for the renewal in the Spirit, the true Word of God written in the Bible and the making of disciples for the unique Savior of our souls, Jesus. Non of the above is negotiable, non of the above is conditional and there are many youth like me defending just that! And as long as we have a voice, we will give our lives to this battle giving the Glory only to Him!

The UMC is my church and I love my church, it might not be as perfect as I expected it to be, but guess what, neither am I, and I am the church. If I am disappointed about the UMC, it may mean that I need more work to do with myself. Maybe the way to wake up the giant is awaking one of its members at a time. So that each one of us grows more and more convinced that there is something more, there is more! All there is to it is to seek it and ask for it! Yes, there was a strangely warmed heart; there is a consuming fire waiting to be reclaimed.

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

Whitaker: "Creo que el obispo tiene confusion de genero..."

El opispo Whitaker se disculpo publicamente despues de pronunciar un comentario en forma de broma. El obispo llamo al microfono a una persona que deseaba presentar una mocion diciendo: "Si Senor pase al microfono numero 2". La persona le corrigio diciendo que en efecto era una mujer. Cuando las camaras enfocaron a la diminuta mujer de decendencia oriental / filipino todos entendimos la razon de la confucion del obispo, pues la senora parecia un senor. Esto le parecio gracioso al obispo pues justamente se estaban tratando un tema relacionado con la sexualidad y entre risas dijo: "I think the bishop has gender confusion." Varias personas expresaron haberse sentido ofendidos y el obispo sin esperar presento sus disculpas.

Si,Jesus me ama...

...fue el himno que entonaron decenas de personas puestas de pies en protesta solemne por la aprobacion de la peticion enmendada que define la union matrimonial entre un hombre y una mujer. La misma establece que la homosexualidad es una practica imcompatible con el orden de Dios. La misma fue aprobada con un poco mas de 500 votos, entre aproximadamente 933 delegados con voz y voto. Hubo entre los visitantes muchos ancianitos con velos negros sobre sus rostros, quizas en demostracion de su tristeza. Algunos lloraban audiblemente y aun aquellos en favor de la peticion aprobada fueron conmovidos por el dolor de nuestros hermanos. Las personas debatieron en un ambiente de respeto mutuo y consideracion por los demas, reiterando multiples veces que la iglesia ama a los homosexuales pero no aprueba la practica. Otras peticiones como estas estan por verse esta noche...mantenganos en oracion a TODOS!

martes, 29 de abril de 2008

Tengo Sueno...I want to go home!

La verdad que esta semana es la mas dificil. Aghhhh! Mcuhas personas aqui son escritores y editores y tienen una santa necesidad de perfeccionar cada palabra de cada peticion. La verdad que este proceso es una prueba de paciencia y tambien de gratitud. Pues hay que ser agradecido de que este cuerpo de la iglesia tome en seria consideracion cada palabra que ha de ser publicada en la Disciplina y el libro de Resoluciones por los proximos 4 anos, (por cierto esta laptop ajena no quiere responder al comando de las ennes). Despues de todo en ellos esta contenido todo lo que nos define como nominacion. Como los dias han sido extenuantemente largo no he podido escribir tan seguido como me habia propuesto (ya se algunos de ustedes me dijeron). Sin embargo quiero compartir con ustedes algunos highlights positivos:

1. Ahhhh! Tienen que ver el Coro de Ninos de Uganda. Que bendicion tan maravillosa!
Pueden verlos en el website de la conferencia:

2. Comunion Completa con la Iglesia Luterana. Lo que quiere decir que ambas iglesias reconoce el bautismo, eucaristia y ordenacion de la otra.

Ya pronto anado otras maravillosas noticias. Dios los bendiga!

viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

El mito de la falta de Recursos

Una de las opispos (la cual menciono luego por nombre) hizo un llamado a la accion por parte de la IMU, el gigante dormido. En especifico hizo un llamado a romper un paradigma, mas bien, un mito que rige nuestras vidas y que de continuo limita el avance del ministerio local y global, inclusive en nuestras vidas. The Myth of Scarcity...El mito acerca de la falta de recursos.

Ella hizo referencia al hecho de que ignoramos que nuestra iglesia ha sido rica y bendecida $. En mi opinion nuestro afan desenfrenado de guardar y controlar las agencias por medio de controlar los presupuestos, no permite que la iglesia haga su carrera de avanzada en el mundo.

Ella expreso que olvidamos a menudo la promesa de Dios, que la nuestra ha de ser una vida en abundancia. Muchos alegaran que debemos ser buenos mayordomos de la "economia metodista" , sin embargo es un gasto INVERTIR en el Reino o acaso la gracia de Dios acerca de la vida en abundancia esta limitada para aquellos que invertimos mezquinamente y con reservas?

Aprovada petición, donación $50K para parque nacional masacre de nativo americanos por parte de predicador metodista.

No todo es trabajo. Estoy adicta a estas sillas de masajes. Ahhh! Dios es bueno!